Dr. Deep

Sometime around 2014, I became fascinated by the numerous new-age gurus who peddled strategies to achieve wellness, happiness, or success. These people could be seen on fundraisers for PBS, in magazines on grocery store shelves, and all over the internet. And people across the globe seemed to hunger for advice from them. I wanted to say something about that, and that’s how Dr. Deep came into being. From 2015-2022, I created several Dr. Deep lectures that I’ve performed in theaters, art galleries, yoga studios, at organic farms, in office buildings, and even in people’s homes.

You can watch videos and read the text of Dr. Deep’s lectures by signing up for a free Subscription.

Dr. Deep - A Brief Introduction

Dr. Deep is the founder of Ultimate Liberation Philosophy. He is a self-taught thinker, doing research on the mysteries of the Universe, and our existence in it. His work focuses on the critical intersection of science, spirituality and nonsense, and his lectures are recommended for those slightly jaded and older.

The video clip is of Dr. Deep’s participation at the 2019 MN Fringe Preview for “Dr. Deep - Life Sucks, But I’m Cool With It”, a lecture on happiness. It serves as a good introduction to Dr. Deep.


“Rarely has such absolute drivel been delivered with such sly panache.” Read the full review in the Star Tribune by Lisa Brock, of the the performance of “Dr. Deep - Shake Your Noggin Like a Bobblehead” at the Minnesota Fringe Festival (2015).

“If laughter truly is the best medicine, Dr. Deep might just prove a therapeutic treatment for humor-deprived psyches.” Read the full City Pages article by Brad Richason, of the the performance of “Dr. Deep - Shake Your Noggin Like a Bobblehead” at Illusion Theatre’s Fresh Ink series (2015).